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Home 5 Company News 5 Successful site closure — a multinational Phase III study in ulcerative colitis

Successful site closure — a multinational Phase III study in ulcerative colitis

A Phase III clinical study of active ulcerative colitis treatment has moved into its final stage at Accell Clinical Research. The study commenced in August 2012 and included 30 sites managed by our team in Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania and Latvia. Our sites showed excellent recruitment rate in the study: 305 screened patients out of 374 in the world (7 countries), or 258 randomized patients out of 306 in the world. Thus 84,3 % patients in the study were randomized by Accell’s sites in 4 countries.

The Sponsor, a major pharmaceutical company, is developing a wide range of medicines in different therapeutic areas, including inflammation and immunology. The company aims to develop more efficient medicines then existing treatments, providing not only symptom relief but also restoring immune system balance.

The Sponsor has obtained sufficient information for statistically significant analysis of the drug efficiency; currently, all sites have been closed.

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